
Rebonden vorher nachher

Extensions rebonden – professionally fast and inexpensive!

[vc_row][vc_column][vc_column_text css_animation="fadeIn"]We process Indian human hair of the best quality in our hair extensions. So far, our customers have always had new hair incorporated during a hair extension in other studios. Often the customer is not informed that even money can be saved just to earn more money. When removing the hair extension, we regularly noticed that it is almost...

Echthaar Rohhaar ungebondet

Human hair extensions yes or no?

Human hair extensions yes or no?

Human hair extensions should also be made of real hair if possible – whether Chinese, Indian or European hair is a question of price performance. The most similar to our hair is Indian hair. This is similarly cuddly in structure and is also slightly wavy when wet. Thus, after the first hair wash, the hair...

Haarverlängerung Anbringung

How many human hair strands do you need for a hair extension?

How many strands do you need for a hair extension?

For a hair extension about 100 – 150 pieces are incorporated, for a thickening 50 – 75 strands are sufficient. In the course of incorporating the hair extension, you can check the newly gained volume again and again and thus determine the optimal amount for you. It is important to keep...